Prochaine session

From 22 to 28/04

Cabines restantes



Solo : 1389 €
Duo pack : 1250 €/pers + EASY Package 389€/pers

Intended for people who have already completed level 2 or 3 FFvoile training or who have a confirmed crew member level in all positions.

Level 4 FFVoile, 7 days

Objective :To master in perfect autonomy the different aspects of catamaran navigation. Be able to navigate efficiently and responsibly. Ensure the safety of his crew and his boat.

Topics covered : Organisation of a cruise, command of the boat, technical monitoring of the ship, managing the energy on board, settings of instruments and navigation software, long navigations, guaranteeing the safety of the boat and his crew, management of a crew. 

Schedule 2023

Prochaines sessions

Cabines restantes


From 22 to 28/04


Solo : 1389 €
Duo pack : 1250 €/pers + EASY Package 389€/pers

From 14 to 20/10


Solo : 1389 €
Duo pack : 1250 €/pers + EASY Package 389€/pers

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